Phone: 317-838-7002

woman holding items in hand with horse in background

Women & Girls

woman holding items in hand with horse in background

Women & Girls

The Pink Ponies Program

Pink Ponies is an equine assisted learning (EAL) program designed to assist women with understanding their personal gifts and talents.

EAL is a professional field in which the unique intuitive nature of horses is used to help encourage personal growth, learning and healing for participants. The Pink Ponies Program has been designed to assist women in addressing common issues associated with low self-esteem, decision making, life changes and or self-discovery.  For women and girls, horses are wonderful at teaching how to set boundaries, make healthy choices,  recognize self-worth, build self-esteem and cope with change.  Understanding the basics of respectful relationships and moving forward after challenging life events is also a huge benefit of equine assisted learning.

The Spirit Rising Program

America is quick to condemn other nations for the sexual exploitation of girls, when in fact it occurs daily in the United States, even in Indiana. The trafficking of a minor is a big moneymaker, the third highest profit driver among organized crime in the United States. Often, American teens and children are recruited in public areas, such as malls, entertainment centers and schools.  The Spirit Rising program offers services for victims of trafficking.  We partner with several local agencies and all programs are customized based on specific needs.

Strides also provides services in partnership with domestic violence shelters.

Why Horses?

Women are nurturers by nature and are programmed to take care of their herd.  They thrive in family groups and are prone to make personal sacrifices looking out for the greater good of their herd. Like the lead mare in the horse herd, women are inclined to find food and shelter, provide discipline and structure and guard against threats to the safety of those in their care. Both women and horses understand what it means to be vulnerable and that is why the psyches of both horses and women are connected. In some cases, there is a shared understanding of what it is like to be captive and powerless in determining one’s own fate.

The Pink Ponies Program utilizes the uniqueness of equine assisted learning and the intuitiveness of the horse to assist survivors in the healing process and empower them to move forward in their lives.

Program Topics

  • You were created to be wonderful
  • Hurdles and life challenges associated with change
  • NO means NO!
  • Development of personal energy
  • Living a life of wellness
  • Honoring who you are
  • The journey of courage
  • You are super woman
  • Expressions from the heart
  • Stepping out and moving forward
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