Phone: 317-838-7002

group of people in front of a horse while one person is riding


group of people in front of a horse while one person is riding


HorseWork Education is the professional development branch of Strides to Success.  We offer training and certification in equine-assisted learning and support the industry on an international level through education, advocacy, and policy-making. Blair and Debbie have spent the last three years working with PATH Intl to create the new Equine Assisted Learning credential program.  All our workshops are approved for PATH CEU’s and all three of our specialty workshops (in person and online) versions are approved to meet the requirements for the specialty Micro-credential requirements to earn the PATH Intl EAL Facilitator credential.   Through HorseWork, we have created a professional training program to prepare professionals to facilitate one on one and group EAL sessions emphasizing an evidence-based approach grounded in the theoretical framework that informs our work. 

HorseWork Dual-Credit Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator training and certification

HorseWork is excited to offer and exclusive opportunity.  If you sign up for the HorseWork Facilitator training, you can also earn the PATH Intl EAL Facilitator credential!  This 9 month program gives you the best of both worlds.  The high quality education you expect from HorseWork and the respected credential of PATH Intl.  Work with us while we support you through the process from beginning to end! Go here for more details and complete your application now! 

Advocacy and policy

Debbie Anderson and Blair McKissock have spent their careers supporting the growth of equine assisted services.  They work closely with other organizations, including PATH Intl, to create resources, support efficacy research, and develop standards that raise the bar of professionalism and support informed equine welfare in the industry.  Debbie Anderson was the EAL representative on the Terminology Consensus task force to support the development of a common terminology for all of the EAS.  This effort was a collaborative effort with many organizations, such as PATH Intl., American Hippotherapy Association, ARCH, E3A, and the others.  You can go here to read the published paper.  This paper was cited in 50 other research publications within it’s first year.  Debbie and Blair served together as co-chairs of the PATH Intl Equine Assisted Learning task force, creating the EAL professional competencies and EAL Guidelines for Operation.  Blair has published 12 peer-reviewed research articles on the efficacy of equine-assisted learning, including an evidence-based protocol for working with young adults with autism which was studied in multiple countries.  She has also published over 50 editorial articles and three book chapters on equine-assisted services, promoting the benefits and evidence-based research.  The COASTER model of facilitation was created at HorseWork and published in a 2020 article

Collaborative projects

PATH Intl EAL Certification

Blair and Debbie have spent the last two years completing a project in partnership with PATH Intl. to develop a certification in Equine Assisted Learning with a new micro-credential system.  The certificate course is currently being tested and will be available to the public this summer.

Mooikrans Agricultural Academy

HorseWork is proud to partner with Mooikrans in Mpumalanga South Africa.  HorseWork is the equine-assisted education provider for the Equine Science degree.  The relationship has evolved over the years and has provided a fantastic opportunity to make quality training available to those overseas who don’t have access to EAL centers in their area. 

Sister Center Research Network

HorseWork has maintained great relationships with sister centers all over the world.  This network of centers who have been trained in the HorseWork Methodology has provided a means to test curriculum and support research projects with fidelity.  This means that there is a high level of confidence among sites that implement research protocols that follow the same methodologies and have consistency among their styles of facilitation.  

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