Phone: 317-838-7002

treasure chest with gold in front of it with a nautical background

Curriculum Training

treasure chest with gold in front of it with a nautical background

Curriculum Training

Currently, we offer virtual workshops for two of our most popular curricula: VETs (Veterans Equine Transition Services) and Treasures.  Virtual workshops are offered live over 1 time per week zoom calls.  You can attend from anywhere, but classes are held at a set time each week.  Email for more details.

Treasures Virtual Curriculum Training $350

Treasures is a group curriculum that can be applied to almost any population.  This versatile program focuses on building the individual strengths of students through problem-solving-based interaction with equines. This virtual workshop runs once a week for four weeks.  Each week, participants will facilitate an activity at their barn and share their experiences in the next meeting.  Classes are limited in size to ensure that each participant receives adequate attention.

VETS Virtual Curriculum Training $350

The VETS curriculum contains three distinct programs.  This training will have a brief overview of the one-on-one and chronic pain program.  This workshop will cover the group portion of the curriculum, foundational elements of working with military service members, and facilitation of interaction with equines.  This virtual workshop runs once a week for 4-weeks.  Each week, participants will facilitate an activity at their barn and share their experiences in the next meeting.  Classes are limited in size to ensure that each participant receives adequate attention.


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