Phone: 317-838-7002

older woman with both hands reverently touching a horse's flank

In-Person Workshops

older woman with both hands reverently touching a horse's flank

In-Person Workshops

Strides to Success hosts a number of in-person learning opportunities each year. These immersive workshops are packed full of information that will help you elevate your EAL skills. From one-to-one training, group sessions, and hand-on learning, there are a variety of ways we work to teach core and advanced training in EAL. Take a look below at some of our in person workshops.  Discounts available for groups!

Coaching Skills for EAL

Friday, June 7th-Saturday June 8th, from 9:00 AM EST to 4:00 PM EST

Go here to register!

HorseWork Education is very excited to bring the workshop to you.  It’s been many years in the making.  Over the two days, we will help you advance your EAL Facilitator skills with coaching skills essential to personal development.  This workshop will guide you through the first step in specializing in personal development in EAL and take your work with horses to a new level!!  This course is approved to satisfy the requirement of a micro-credential in Personal Development for the PATH Intl Credentialed EAL Facilitator program.  You do NOT have to have taken the Fundamentals of EAL before taking this course.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn what coaching is and what it’s not
  2. Learn basic skills in coaching
    • Communication, engagement, and rapport
  3. Explore behavior change principles
  4. Gain hands-on experience in the application of those principles when working with equines
  5. Review client assessment, planning, and application
  6. Walk away with activity design skills, ideas, and the confidence to design  interaction to meet the needs of your client
  7. Learn the next steps to Becoming a board-certified coach
Cost- $500

Developing Leaders with EAL

Friday, July 12th to Saturday, July 13th from 9:00 AM EST to 4:00 PM EST

Go here to register!

HorseWork Education presents our newest addition to the workshop lineup. Learn how to advance your skills in supporting organizations through equine-assisted learning.  This workshop will guide you through the first step in specializing in organizational development in EAL and take your work with horses to a whole new level!!  This course is approved to satisfy the requirement of a micro-credential in Organizations for the PATH Intl Credentialed EAL Facilitator program.  You do NOT have to have taken the Fundamentals of EAL before taking this course.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to design and price a team-building retreat
  • Learn basic skills in leadership development and team building
    • Leadership skills, HorseWork Model of Leadership, team building facilitation
  • Explore organizational change principles
  • Experience the hands-on application of those principles when working with equines
  • Take-home tools for client engagement, assessment, planning, and application
  • Learn how to evaluate a corporate experience
Cost: $500

ABC’s of School Programs 

Friday, July 26th, and Saturday, 27th, 2024, from 9:00 AM EST to 4:00 PM EST 

group of students and teachers smiling for photo

The ABC workshops are one of Strides’ longest-running workshops. This two-day event will cover everything you need to partner with the school programs in your community. We cover everything from establishing relationships to meeting the needs of the school through equine interaction, incorporating academic standards and funding. Hit the ground running with what you learn! Participants will receive a copy of the ABCs of School programs workbook. This course is approved to satisfy the requirement of a micro-credential in Education for the PATH Intl Credentialed EAL Facilitator program.  You do NOT have to have taken the Fundamentals of EAL before taking this course.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the key people to approach in your school system.
  2. Explore how to design, implement, and evaluate evidence-based programs.
  3. Develop a plan for funding and pricing school-based programs
  4. Grow your toolbox of activities and curriculum for developing essential life skills for school-aged children.
  5. Develop a strategy to implement as soon as you get back home!

Cost: $500

ABC’s Now available as an online course!

Strategies for Sustainability

Friday, August 23rd-Sunday 25th, 2024, from 9:00 AM EST to 4:00 PM EST 

Go here to register!

Two people standing next to a horse Description automatically generated with medium confidence

For the last twenty years, our colleagues have looked to Strides for processes and techniques that can be duplicated to develop sustainable businesses. After this three-day experience, you will have a plan, the knowledge to build a program that meets a community need, know how to evaluate that program and know how to keep your business from being vulnerable to unforeseen changes.   The HorseWork program development model has kept Strides to Success running for many years.   Our methods are practical and, while grounded in empirical evidence, are practical and easy to replicate.  All our workshops are hands-on and interactive, with activity and curriculum demonstrations and active discussion.  Leave this workshop with a complete evaluation of your community needs and a basic plan to hit the ground running.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Give each participant a comprehensive “how-to” guide for planning, implementing, and evaluating programs that get funded.  
  2. Provide participants with program forms, samples of lesson/session plans, evaluation methods, budgets, sample contracts, sample grants, and much more. 
  3. Teach you how to position yourself in the community to connect with participants, partner organizations and funders.
  4. Explore how to provide diverse services that can follow community funding to support your center financially. 

Cost: $575 includes course materials sent to you.

Facilitators Debbie Anderson and Blair McKissock with special guest speakers. 

Professional Immersion

Do you need hours to complete a certification, or are you the type of learner who just needs to step into the work and learn? Strides to Success is so excited to introduce a new opportunity to equine-assisted professionals.  This unique immersion experience was an exclusive training immersion only available to HorseWork trainees but has now been opened to all interested professionals.   We get daily phone calls from professionals who are just starting to those who are looking to learn more about what we do.  Well, now you can!  This condensed immersion program is a 4-day intensive program designed to give you a peak behind the curtain at Strides to Success and learn alongside our fantastic staff.  This is not for the faint of heart but is early mornings helping get the barn settled for the day, all-day groups and one-on-one sessions with active clients, one-on-one time with Debbie and Blair, and tucking the horses in bed at the end of the day.  Learn more about our facilitation techniques in equine-assisted learning, how we partner with mental health professionals, how we work with groups ranging from schools and veterans to trauma victims, and more about the Strides business model.  This opportunity is meant to be hands-on but does not replace the HorseWork workshop content; rather, it shows you HOW it works.  We don’t believe in operating in a fishbowl and don’t allow “observers.”  You will be part of the session.  How much hands-on horse time depends on your level of horse experience and certification status.  This is considered a residential program, we have partner hotels where you can make arrangements.  Our hotel partners will provide all transportation to and from the airport and to and from the barn daily, breakfast and dinner Mon-Thursday and a clean, comfy bed to crash each night! Think about how much you can take back to your barn and apply.

Interested?  Complete the application and check the four-day immersion option.  We will reach out to you personally to help create a customized program experience.


Cost $900

It begins on a Monday and goes through Thursday, depending on the time of year.

“I wish I had these learning opportunities when I first started my program! I had my basic certification but was hungry for practical and sound skills and business strategies in which to grow my business so I could actually make a living! ”  Thank you to all the HorseWork instructors!  I left the workshop and within one month, I had a contract with a school and had written two funded grants!: Top-notch instruction that gave me a college education in a nutshell!”

A picture containing person, mammal, bovine, horse Description automatically generated


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